
Friday, April 19, 2013

1 Timothy Chapters 1-6

Today's reading was really good. What Paul wrote to Timothy is something I like to read because it gives me encouragement. Paul's letters were to a young man named Timothy who is very shy but is also a leader of a church. These two letters to Timothy are good for leaders of church today and shy people like myself.

First, Paul's writes to be warned against false teachers. He wrote about then before but he is telling Timothy specifically to stop those false teachings. The people who want to be known for following the laws of Moses and that's it. I've heard some people say that the laws are meant to show us how sinful we are because we are supposed to do those laws and we don't. Not all of them all the time and honestly.

Oh, this part is good. Paul write for Timothy to have a clear conscious. This is one way to know if your spirit is alive in you, I believe. Every time I'm purposely having conversations with God on a regular day-to-day basis and I do or think something wrong, I feel that 'guilty concious'. It's not the type that I sit and worry about though, I go and talk to God about the things I've done or thought about doing. For example: say that I was just chilling around the house and did all the things I needed to do for the day. I then decide that since I haven't watched a show in a long while then I'll just watch one today. Just as I'm about to press play (with my food ready ∩__∩) I feel like I shouldn't watch it. Not that there is anything wrong the show because it's quite cute and innocent, but right then I just shouldn't be watching. That's a true story for me and I turned it off then found a really cute craft that I plan on doing. For me, doing arts and crafts is a better use of time than watching a show. So I liked what Paul wrote to Timothy about his conscious.

There was a lot of stress in false teachers in this letter. It makes since because Timothy is a teachers and a young one. I've always wondered if I'd be some kind of teacher like this. I wouldn't be head of a church or anything like through but a small group of a church. My mother is planning one and I'm going to help her since I can explain her teachings through a younger perspective in the world today. But I still wonder about that. From what I know, I'm more of a person who works in the 'background' so if the husband God had for me needs me to do something for him then I'm sure I could do it. Hmmm, I wonder...? I'm just going on now, but I've never thought about that.

So, these letters are perfect for leaders of churches to lead people in the right way. Not in strange and sinful ways because that just would not be good. Also for shy people like myself. Something good comes from being out going and of shyness, which gives all of us a certain advantage in what God wants us to do. If you are a more outgoing person then it will be very easy to speak to others for God's purpose. The same can he said for shy people in an opposite way, we can use our quietness and reserve to work for God's purpose. I find encouragement in both of those thoughts and from my reading.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

2 Thessalonians Chapters 1-3

Oh my, I just finished writing this but accidentally pressed the back button on my phone without saving it. p(´⌒`。q) So I've got to do it again. But it should be easier to do it this time because I already wrote it.

The first thing I talked about was Paul writing to Thessalonica about when Jesus would return. They were being told that he was coming at a certain time but Paul said not to be fooled by false teachers/prophets. I took this as him saying to not worry about when he's coming and just do we were told to do by Jesus. We won't have to worry about when he comes because when he does we will be prepared.

The truth that we don't know when he's going to come should be a great motivator for many. It wouldn't be a great idea to disobey God now thinking that you can get it together later because you think you have enough time. It's best to always be doing what Jesus says we should be doing so we won't be surprised when he comes 'like a thief in the night,' as Paul wrote in one of his other letters.

Another encouraging thing that Paul wrote is that God will give us rest from those that persecute us when Jesus arrives. That may happen soon or not until a long while but we have to endure.

(*Side story: last night me and my mother were actually talking about how some people call God cruel because of the flood and seemingly horrible things that were done. In actuality, the flood isn't as harsh as keeping everyone alive to live in sin. Well, at least to a believe and follower of Christ. Or just to us...that's what I think.)

The last thing Paul wrote was something I knew myself to be. It was about laziness and being 'idol'. I was like this in a few ways. I didn't want to go out too much and would rather stay home to listen to music and play games or watch a drama. It wasn't until last week when I started writing tasks to be accomplished in my phone that I realized I have less time for the things I liked to do than I thought. (Of course now I like reading the Bible and conversing with God, which lessened my need to want to do other things.) Before, I didn't have a purpose but now I do and see all the things that I need to be doing to replace what I want to do. I need to be in my be in my Bible every day. Need to have an ongoing conversation with God, and who can do that when you're distracted by other things.

I'm 'walking out my faith', as I hear my mother say all the time. What I know now is that it's encouraging that Jesus can come anytime and that when he does we will have rest from the ones who persecute us. A verse that's in my head now is, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

To me, what it means to be a follower of Christ...

I've been reading my Bible every day this week and writing down my reflections. Those writings were strictly after reading the Bible. It seems like that's all I do: read the Bible then write about it. Since I'm not too big on typing and prefer pen to paper, as I've mentioned before, I don't put everything on here. I write paged and pages in my journal and prayer journal and don't feel like repeating the process.

I don't want it to seem like that's all I do, so I really want to write on a blog as if it were my journal. I probably won't be as in depth as I am in my journals because chances are that I've already written whatever I write here in the journal. *except for this*

But anyways, I was sitting at the computer listening to Gospel music and reading other followers of Christ blogs. In a simple way to put this, being a follower of Christ means exactly what it says. This is someone who believes and followers what Christ says to do. He tells us to do a few things, one of them being to make 'disciples' (followers) of others by spreading the Good News.

What Jesus asks of us sounds a lot simpler than it may seem. It takes a lot of patience and time with God to be able to do that. I'm still in the process of having patience and knowing God. With each day that I read my Bible, reflect on it, talk to my mom about God, and talk to God directly, I get a better underatanding on how to do this.

I've learned so much from my mother's testimonies and am so thankful to God for her. He has blessed me by having me born of her. When we talk about being a followers of Christ we always touch on the same few things. We talk about obedience, purity, and consecrating ourselves.

Speaking of obedience means to do what we are told, to not sin/be disobedient on purpose. (Sometimes we honestly don't know that we are being disobedient/sinning so we must pray for it to be shown.) The disobedience most of us know are things like to not hate, not commit a crime such as murder and theft.

In purity it doesn't just mean sexually but it's having a pure heart. A heart that doesn't hate and loves unconditionally or unbiased. A heart that genuinely means to do the right things and after God. It won't happen over night or with one prayer, usually. For me, I have to write the same prayer to give me a pure and clean heart. I also have to be listening.

To consecrate roughly means to give yourself to someone. To be loyal. This is also a process. At first it was hard for me to consecrate myself because I had too much of the world in me and was even trying to makes up excuses for myself. As much as I wish I weren't affected by the media, music and television, I am and have to watch and limit what I take in. Now that I am aware that I need to be able to consecrate myself to God, I notice things that could distract me from that task.

I could go on and on about what it means to be a follower of Christ, but it's almost as simple as it sounds if you put the time and effort in to it. As I write this I feel so good. God is speaking to me and is with me to help me see the way he wants me to. I'm continuing on as a follower if Christ no matter what.

I'm praying that he will help me to be able to help others in the future when it's my time to do so.

1 Thessalonians Chapters 1-5

I failed to do my reading in the morning again. I was even up past midnight to read half of it and read the rest in the morning. I really could have gotten this reading in though. I was too busy worrying about having my materials for class ready that I skipped my reading. My mother and some people from church always say, "If you start your day off with God then rest of the day will fall in to place." Since I had a feeling I wasn't going to read in the morning, I did have my praise music going while getting ready for the day. :)

"We don't need to tell them about it, for they keep talking about the wonderful welcome you gave us and how you turned away from idols to serve the living and true God." 1 Thessalonians 1:8-9 (NLT)

Idols. I never really payed much attention to how people in the media are called idols. People would say, "Oh, so and so is my idol." which means that is who they look up to. Most times I don't even think of it as some type of worshiping thing but after reading about idols in the middle it doesn't sound like a good word. So now, I don't call people idols at all. I simply say they have talent and admire that talent. It's not something I want and even if I did want it I know I wouldn't be able to acquire it. The word idol is used very loosely in my opinion. 

"We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God's Good News but our own lives, too." 2:8 (NLT)

Talking about the Good News with people is a good way to start a very good relationship. If two people are talking and enjoying speaking about the News then they more than likely have a lot in common. This is building up strong relationships on a solid foundation, God. Honestly, this is something a bit difficult for me because I'm a very timid person who feels awkward in conversation. Even if I do speak I worry that I will say something wrong or incorrect. When I was talking with my father, who is searching for a religion/faith, I tried to explain to him. Our relationship is very close and we talk about a lot but when it came down to telling him about my faith and belief in God and why I'm a follower of Christ, I can't say anything. I worry that I will speak incorrect things about the Bible or mislead him because I'm still very young in my faith. (I don't know enough to tell him.) I've been praying that I will be able to talk to my father and cousin about my faith and that when I do they will seriously be ready for it.

This ending of chapter two really caught me. It's something makes me worry a lot because I already still have this worry about people 'judging' me and/or saying that I'm saying/doing is wrong. "And then, dear brothers and sisters, you suffered persecution from your own countrymen." 2:14 That verse basically said that even fellow followers and believers in Christ will oppose you, not just family and friends who may not be a follower. It doesn't make any sense to me because if we are all followers of Christ then we should all have an understanding of how it works, but we don't. This is the one thing that can be very discouraging, and I always have to remind myself that everyone is at their own point of their walk with God. Just a few days ago I was watching a video of someone talking about his faith and telling the truth. I usually never comment on videos but after watching it I felt moved to write that he was a great encouraging person for what he speaks about. I also wrote to not worry about what others may put if it's negative because someone is comforted and encouraged by your words and those are the people that truly count.

I love this one and is a verse that came to me just recently through my mother. It also has to do with the last two paragraphs I wrote. (About worrying about what I say and persecution/being opposed.) "God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. Therefore, anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human teaching but is rejecting God, who's gives the Holy Spirit to you." 4:8 (NLT) Wow, I totally forgot about this, actually. Instead of worrying about what I say or being opposed I need to remember what Paul and my mother have said. That people are not opposing or disagreeing with me, but with God. Yeah, I really need to have that verse stuck in my head.

That is the end to my reading. I'm really happy about that last thing I wrote on. I was told about it by my mother some time ago and I even read and highlighted it but didn't understand it completely until I reflected on it myself. :) Tomorrow is 2 Thessalonians.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Colossians Chapters 1-4

I am so surprised I got up as early as I did this morning. Went to sleep at 6am but got up and 9am. I'm really glad I woke up this early because I really wanted to do my Bible reading for the day before anything.

This morning, I read the book, Colossians, which was very short. Only four chapters in it. The whole theme of this book was false teachers. Paul was writing to them that what some of their teachers were teaching where not from Christ. They were worshiping other gods and listening to 'empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that came from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than Christ'. (NLT 2:8) For me, since I am a deep thinker, I notice that I have to ask Jesus about a lot of things over and over. I worry that what I think I'm hearing is from him but if I think on it long enough I'll wonder if it's coming from the world.

A big topic that has been in my home is of having tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. When we started to attend the church we go to now they have this course on becoming members of the church. We did all kinds of things, mostly along the lines of knowing the mission God has planned for the church. One of the last things we did was do one of those personality tests but for God's kingdom. Among the ones I read in this book of Colossians I am merciful, kind, and gentle. The ones I have to work on are humility and patience. I can't say I don't have pride because my mother points it out to me, but I do notice the times where I can accept my humility. I pray that God will continue to show me more clearly those things that aren't so great in my humility and patience.

In chapter two there is something I wanted to write about real quick. It's about not letting others condemn us for the practices we do or don't do. The one practice, or holiday, that is border line in this home is Christmas. Some years ago I found out a little bit about the history behind the celebration of Christmas, besides Christ. Christians always celebrated this holiday as the birth of Christ, which we should celebrate ever day. When I read that the act of decorating the tree was some type of thing for a fertility god, I didn't think much of it. I thought, 'Well, I'm not decorating these trees to worship a fertility god, I just think it's fun and cute.', then cast the thought out my mind. (Of course, we didn't have a tree for some years *which didn't effect us* and this past Christmas our tree was a very sad looking one after all those years.) As of now we are eliminating the tree from the holiday since it stands for some other god. A lot of Christians, or believers/followers of Christ, either don't believe this or think that the person is thinking too deep about it. Then becomes something that the person can be condemned about. I actually think the whole fertility god thing is just creepy. (And it also depends on if one believes in gods with a lower case 'g'. There is more to the whole tree of Christmas, but that's a whole other topic.) At the end of the day, always pray and talk to God about it.

This last thing I'm reflecting on is prayer. I always hear to  pray every day and talk to God all day every day. It actually is not that hard and if you are always talking to God there is a less chance of you doing something he would not approve. I keep two journals. One is a prayer journal where I write serious and specific prayers that I would like answered. My other journal is one where I freely write my feelings to God. I can go on for pages and pages at once just expressing my thoughts to God, as if he doesn't already know me. It's the act of always having him in my life on purpose that makes a difference, even though he does know everything. When it comes to prayer for me though, I am much better at writing it down than thinking the prayer with my eyes shut, head bowed, and speaking out my prayer in groups. I tend to be repetitive in my spoken prayers and worry that I'll pray for too long.

Tomorrow morning I am reading 1 Thessalonians which is five chapters. I'm going through this Bible reading plan quite quick and soaking up many valuable things.

*note: I'm planning on writing posts more in depth about other things outside of this Bible reading plan. It wont be so easy because just studying the Bible then writing it down like this takes some time. Plus, I get tired of staring at the screen and typing. I can write pencil and paper as long as I need to, but it's something else when typing. Of course everything I write about will have God in it. Asking questions about different things, then giving what I know and my thoughts, and lastly what I'm ultimately getting.*

Philippians Chapter 1-4

Today's reading was short but I still ran out of time to write my reflection before leaving out the door.

"For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ." Philippians 1:21-22

This verse really stood out to me for one big reason. Some years ago I was having some problems and did not want to live. I was so unhappy with this sad world that I would rather be in heaven with God. (*at this time I did not completely know God I just knew of him and knew there was a God*) But now I know God and that he sent Jesus Christ so we could live. Then, I wanted to go away for my own selfish reasons when I am meant to do something that I was asked to do. Now I completely understand that situation and don't think that way anymore.

"For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him." Philippians 1:29

I'll be honest and say that I was not understanding this. I was wondering what Paul meant by saying it is a 'privilege' to suffer for Christ. I have always worried about being treated the same way Jesus was treated but I know it will happen. I'm much more accepting of that fact now, but before I was very weary of this fact.

In the beginning of chapter two, Paul write that we should also take an interest in others. I've always noticed that I never REALLY pay attention to my surroundings. I notice then most often when I'm with my mom and she asks me if I see this or that and I don't. I tie this habit to the fact that I worry about people judging me or me judging them so I don't pay any mind to anyone. When I do pay attention it's not always a great reaction I get from people but there are a few good ones. I have to constantly remind myself that the good ones are worth me having to deal with the bad ones.

"Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord." Philippians 3:1

I made this verse a key note for me to keep memorized. In my opinion, this is one of the best verses to have memorized. I can easily forget something if I don't have it in my mind constantly. Not remembering that I'm saved and have a relationship through Jesus outside me in some negative situations. Just yesterday I was truly being tested and I let the fear take over just slightly but I got right back in it's place by rejoicing in the Lord. By speaking to him and through him to get through that moment.

This book was quite short and I got a good amount of reflecting from it. The next book I'm reading is Colossians which is also another short book. I'll be reading that all tomorrow and reflecting on it.

Monday, April 15, 2013

My Plan /w Bible Study...

I'm still doing my Bible study but after yesterday I figured that it's best if I do the Bible study and notebook throughout the week day then on Sunday have a break.

My whole day yesterday was all filled up that I didn't get a chance to write down my thought. While sitting on the couch I was thinking through writing down what we talked about into church would work, but no. I want to stick to my plan and what we talked about was far from my plan. It was very good though.

So this morning I did the reading bit of my Bible study but ran out of time for writing down. When I get home, sometime before I go to sleep, I will write it up. This won't happen all the time. I plan to get my daily study in before I start doing anything else.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ephesians Chapter 6

I had not noticed that Ephesians was so short. If I had known then I would have finished off the last and short chapter yesterday. Well, I'll only have a little bit to reflect on today. At least I'll be able to go back and review what I reflected on all day yesterday along with today's.

This last chapter of Ephesians was about obeying our 'earth' authorities. Children obeying their parents and workers doing as their boss asks of them. As a daughter I've had little rebellions against my parents. Most times I would do as I'm told even if I didn't really want to. There were the few times where I was set on not doing something, but in the end I ended up doing it. Now that I am older and have thought through a lot of things I don't even see rebellion in myself. I may not necessarily agree, but luckily for me, I do have that trust and relationship with my parents to take their words for it.

As far as obeying work authority I don't know too much. The times I worked, whether it was volunteer or a job, I never questioned authority. Especially since the people who were above me knew more about the work than I did. It's my natural instinct to do as I'm told, but at those times I did not have Jesus in my mind. I wasn't thinking that I should work for my boss as if he/she were Jesus. Now, with Jesus in mind, I can honestly say that it should not be to hard to work for my boss as they were Jesus. When I hear from my parents of their experiences in work it's kind of discouraging, but my mother is a good roll model for me in that area. I'll always have to remember about authority and that Jesus is my reason.

The absolute last of this book is guarding ourselves with God's armor. There are seven of them and I know of them quite well because my talks about them often. There is the belt of truth: knowing that God is the truth. Body armor of righteousness: protect our hearts from sin. Shoes of peace: this makes me think of the disciples Jesus sent to go and spread the Good News to others. Those disciples had to walk to get those people and tell them. The shield of faith: this protects us from the things we are up against in this world that can tear us down. Helmet of salvation: protecting our mind from things that can cause us to doubt God or turn away from Him. Then there is the sword: the only weapon of offense, to use the word of God when tempted by sin. I hear followers and believers of Christ say that this is the strongest weapon we've got. That's because it's the truth.

As each day goes on I get happier and happier. I always know that even when/if I get sad or down that I can go to God. I already know that I'm in God's will and I believe it. After reading this book of Ephesians I'm just feeling happy and ready to do anything. As I go on about my day with God in my life and what I've read I know the rest of my day is going to be good. It already started off amazing.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Ephesians Chapters 1-5

"I am writing to God's holy people in Ephesus, who are faithful followers of Christ Jesus." Eph. 1:1 (NLT)

Everything written after this first line is for God's people. Before even going forward I made sure to highlight that and go back to it throughout my reading. This one sentence meant a lot to me. To me it's kind of a warning, not in a negative way. Meaning that if you are not a follower than what you are about to read will not make sense to you or you may be offended.

 It makes sense because I've just started really getting in to reading and understanding the Bible with the help of a book by Tim Lahaye called: How to Study the Bible for Yourself. In that book it says that the Bible was not written in order from front to back and some books are much easier to understand than others, then it went on to give books in a certain order to read. (I've already started, so Ephesians is my sixth book in the order.) I absolutely believe that there are some books that will make no sense if you haven't read a different one that ties in to it. There is also the fact that some people may not be ready to read or be aware of things in whatever level of Spiritual maturity they are in. What I'm trying to say is that I was prepared to read and understand what God is saying to me.

"So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son." Eph. 1:6 (NLT) 

I really like this verse and need to put it somewhere I can see it all the time. This is what I hear all the time from other followers of Christ in different variations and is very important. 

Throughout our days we go through many things. Some days are the absolute best while others are not so great. We (I) have to remember as often as possible that all the glory, thanks, appreciation, and whatever other great word, belongs to God. In this section Paul calls it a Spiritual blessing to belong to his Son. Belonging to his Son means we are blessed and loved by Him.

The Bible that I have has some very useful notes and extra reading (notes) as you read. There is this one note called 'Spiritual Pride' and is something else that I have heard often. In this case, Paul was writing about how Jews had this pride because they were circumcised while the Gentiles were not. It says that the Jews felt like they were above the Gentiles because of the practices they did, their ceremonies. In life today, there are still the few who have that Spiritual pride because they do certain things that others may not do. I don't see the practices that are done to be a problem. The issue is when one feels better than others because of those ceremonies/practices. (This applies to other things, in general: someone calls themselves a follower of Christ but does 'things of the world' that another Christ follower does not do.) In the end I believe that if someone is on a different Spiritual 'level'
 than someone else and sees the wrong in it then that person should help the other. I always come to the conclusion that we are all on our walk with God through Christ and are all at different points/stages in that walk. (Spiritual growth)

This next part of my reading used to really stay stuck in my head and is something that not all believers may be ready to except. Chapter 5 is 'Living in the Light', 'Living by the Spirit's Power' and 'Spirit-Guided Relationships: Wives and Husbands'.

That first section about living in the light says, "Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes - these are not for you." Living in this world, that is just about all we see in just about everything. Seriously. And it's very frustrating. (Some of my family and friends think I'm cut off from the world because we don't have television, but I've still got the computer and my cell phone. I still see and participate in a lot of things.) So before going on with this topic, I must say that I had to look up what obscene meant. It roughly means: against morals or virtue; impolite language. There are many things against our moral/virtue, bad language (curse words) are everywhere, as I wrote before.

(A side-note: I enjoy listening to pop music, a genre called Korean pop. I understand a little bit of the language to know what it's about but not all of it. While setting my boundaries for what I listen to I decided to look up the English lyrics and had to take a few songs out that are no good for me even though I don't understand in hearing it. Now I am aware what some songs are saying and can't listen to it even if I wanted to, conviction.)

From reading this part in the Bible and going in to the things I encounter in my life, I know that there are things you have to set boundaries with so that you won't pick up and carry 'obscene speech' and the like. *I've also noticed that some have a 'higher tolerance' with being exposed than others who are easily influenced* God and I had to talk this out quite a few times until I got it together.

My little bit of thinking (above) can easily lead me in to this next section of chapter 5: living by the Spirits power. I'm stressing the fact that it is way too easy to be sucked in to the way of the world. Completely sucked in  by every single way. Not just with entertainment, but within ourselves as well. For me, I have to remind myself all throughout my day that God is with me and my Spirit is my power. When I know that I need some Spiritual boosting then I wont listen to any of my pop music and have complete focus on God. I already have God with me every day all the time, but I'll cut out and lessen those things that can be/are distracting. 

Last in my readings for today was Spirit-guided relationships concerning married people. I'm still young and have not been married but I can apply the concept to other things and what I know will come in the marriage that God has for me. On the woman's part of this, Paul writes for wives to submit to their husbands. I'm looking forward to submitting to my husband when he comes along, but right now I am working on being available as help to others. In who God has made me I am a caring person and will do what I can for those that I love. When it comes to strangers I am polite to them but it never goes too far beyond that. There is also the factor that at this point in my life, I don't have a whole lot to offer other than my words and actions. In section of chapter 5 you can apply 'submitting' to other situations. I don't mean it in the same way as in a marriage relationship, of course. 

My Bible reading today was very good and my time well spent. A lot of what I read I heard a lot but it is always good to re-read and be reminded of these things. From those five chapters of Ephesians I reflected on so much. There is even more in those chapters that I didn't write about because the ones I wrote stood out for me and I can write/type forever on my thoughts/reflections/evaluation on what I read in the Bible. Doing this does take some time, but it's a good amount of time for me. 

My plan is to read five chapters every day and write my thoughts on it every day. Some days may be filled with more information than others. 

My Reason

Reading the Bible every day and reflecting on it is something I really want to do. There is no way I will know God without knowing His words. There is no use in reading and knowing His word if we don't express meaning in them. The way for me to know and His word and for them to have meaning is writing/reflecting on them.

I want to read books and chapters and write everything on my mind that relates to it. In the process of doing that I also want to show others what I get from certain readings. 

My reason for writing my Bible notes is to express what I hear from God, how I act on them, and become open to others expressions on the exact same thing I expressed on.

(The set up for this notebook to search up my notes is the tag will be the name of the book in the Bible.)

Something New...

So, I've found another thing to write on called Springpad on Google Chrome where you can create and write in notebooks. It just came to me that I have been reading the Bible but not writing down my thoughts on it. When I found this app last night (11 Apr.) I thought, 'What better way to write my thoughts on the Bible than to do it on the app where people can see and help?' (*I prefer writing pencil/pen and paper than on the web, but if it helps someone...) But then I totally forgot I started this blog. :( I decided that I would put the same content that I put on the app as I do here with a little bit more personal stuff. Sounds good to me.

I just finished reading my Bible and typing it all down in the notebook for the first time. (So tired of typing because it was really long. You'll see it. And it was good in my opinion.) The plan is to read and write every day what I read in my Bible readings. Some days will have a lot more writing than others. I also plan to write my more personal things on here. It should be fairly easy because I'll just type up my notes on the app then copy and past to this blog right here.

I hope that everyone who reads it will enjoy it and get something useful from it. :) *These are all my thoughts and what I think. Don't take my words for it. Go and look for yourself and I hope this is of help to you in that process.*